人權, 外稿

飄洋過海來看你@日韓 – MVFHR Asia Speech Tour in Korea & Japan

die2談到廢除死刑,很多人會說,那被害者家屬的人權怎麼辦?但被害者家屬的權益和死刑廢止,必然是相互衝突的嗎?MVFHR(Murdered Victims’ Families for Human Rights被害者家屬人權協會)是一群由被害者家屬所組成的團體,他們這次遠渡重洋到韓國、日本、台灣三個國家,和當地的被害者家屬、律師、人權團體及一般民眾交流,並互相分享自身的故事及對於死刑的看法。


When speaking of the abolition of death penalty, some may ask about the rights of the victim’s families. Are the rights of the victim’s families and the abolition of death penalty necessarily clashing with each other? MVFHR is an organization formed by a group of victim’s family members. They have traveled across the ocean all the way down to Korea, Japan, and Taiwan to share their stories and views on the death penalty with the local victim’s family members, attorneys, and human rights organizations.

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