教育, 社運發電機

【新聞稿】20年未調薪 英國文化協會外籍教師下週投票最快6月底罷工




歷經五次勞資協商以及由台北市勞動局所召開的勞資爭議調解不成立後,由英國在台辦事處所設的英國文化協會(British CouncilTaiwan, BC),在台各地英語教學中心[1]聘僱的外籍英語教師,在面對資方拒絕讓步、給予合理調薪回應後,別無選擇,將於下週(6月11日)起正式進行罷工投票。一旦取得過半數會員投票同意,若資方仍拒絕提出更合理的調薪方案,最快預計將於6月底展開罷工





  • 自2004年英國文化協會(British CouncilTaiwan)在台設立英語教學中心,開始聘僱外籍教師從事英語教學以來,已20年未曾調漲教師薪資。
  • 過去20年以來,台北地區的物價上漲幅度已超過25%。
  • 最近8年,BC對家長學生收取的學費已大幅調高超過35%。
  • 近5到6年,BC在台灣的驚人「獲利能力」,遠高於8成以上台灣上市櫃公司。更因台灣業務獲利豐厚,BC數日前已正式於林口,盛大慶祝成立在台第四個英語教學中心。

今天出席記者會的英國文化協會外籍老師們,在平日上課的教學中心大樓廣場,更是大聲喊出他們的心聲:「20 Years, No Fair Pay–British Council, Hear Our Say!」、「Two Decades of Dedication, Still No Fair Compensation!」、「British Council, Do What’s Right – Fair Pay for Our Fight!」







※高教工會BC分部召集人Jack Falconer老師發言稿:

People usually want to know why we formed this union.

First, I should tell you why we work for the British Council in Taiwan. Most of us have lived in Taiwan for many years. We love this country, its culture and the people.

We are not teachers who come for a working holiday and then return home after one or two years. We love this place and we want to give something back in return.

British Council only employs teachers with a high level of experience and internationally recognised qualifications.

For teachers like us, who are serious about their work, who want to stay here long term, who are focused on improving their skills, and who are dedicated professionals, the British Council has always been a good option.

Student fees are higher than other cram schools, but our students are committed and we enjoy teaching them. The challenge is tough.

We have to spend a lot of extra time preparing lessons outside the classroom and doing training, but the pay and benefits have been better than other cram schools so we felt valued by the company.

So why did we form the union? From 2004 when the British Council Taiwan was opened until today, there has been no change to our pay scales, no change to the hourly paid teaching rate, no change to the overtime rate, and no change to benefits. Inflation in that time has been 25%.

While student fees continue to go up year on year, the pay scales and then hourly paid rate for teachers just stay the same.

Years pass, and our teachers get frustrated. 10 years go by, and teachers get more upset. Here we are, 20 years on, with the cost of food and housing increasing so quickly, and we’re still waiting for that change.

We want to stay in Taiwan, and continue to work hard for our students. But unless there is a change, and unless we start to feel valued again, we will have to return to our home countries, or find a different line of work. And that’s why we formed this union.

And if we have to go on strike to make a positive change, we know that might inconvenience students, and we feel bad about that.

But, we’re fighting for change that will benefit teachers, that would allow them to stay in this job, to maintain high standards, and keep on doing what they do. Thank you!