人權, 勞工, 移民/工

「反歧視、要平等」弱勢勞工牽手大遊行(二)勞勞不相爭 東亞勞工要團結

全球,經濟不景氣的衝擊下,政府對資本家伸出援手,抒困方案、擴大就業方案 紛紛出籠。2009年2月,失業率竄升到5.75%,失業人口高達62.4萬人,減薪、裁員、失業、無薪假頻傳。我們所見 的失業率只是冰山一角,失業率不斷竄升的同時,移工失業早在2007年10月,勞委會開放三K(骯髒、辛苦、危險)產業可 自國外引進移工時,就開始發生。移工轉出無門、被迫失業,只能負債回國。
As the financial crisis spreads across the globe, the government extends a helping hand to the capitalists; aid projects and projects to expand employment are popping up everywhere. In February of 2009, the unemployment rate rose to 5.75%, with 624,000 people out of work. Cases of lowered wages, employees being laid off, and people being asked to take unpaid leave keep increasing. The official unemployment rate is just the tip of the iceberg. In October of 2007, the Council for Labor Affairs allowed the “3D” industries (work that is dirty, difficult and dangerous) to import workers from other countries. After this, as more and more migrant workers lost their jobs, they were no longer able to transfer to new positions. They have nowhere to turn, and they are forced to go home burdened by debt.

Twenty years ago, to meet the capitalists’ demand for cheap labor, the government legalized the importation of cheap foreign workers. These workers have been kept in slavery-like conditions by government policies, including limited legal residence in Taiwan (only 3 years, two times), the private broker system, no freedom to change employers, and no right to organize unions. Now that the economy is depressed, the CLA is sacrificing migrant workers again, in the name of lowering the unemployment rate. Cloaking racism in the guise of protecting local workers’ jobs, they announce they will lay off 30,000 foreign workers and ask employers to lay off foreign workers first. The government is using migrant workers as scapegoats, to pacify the people and deflect criticism!

諷刺的是,當許多工人苦於無薪假的打壓時,尚有十六萬的家務移工因未納入勞基法保障而全 年無休。扛負高額仲介費跨海來台的移工,被迫在長工時無休假、或失業負債的兩極化危機中擺盪!政策性的歧 視,導致移工愈廉價、本勞愈失業;移工愈被剝削,本勞愈沒保障。
Ironically, while many workers are suffering on forced, unpaid “vacations,” 160,000 migrant home care workers, who are not covered under the Labor Standards Law, may be forced to work for the entire year without a single day off. Migrant workers, who have to pay huge brokers’ fees to come to Taiwan, are trapped between working for long periods with no rest or losing their job and being forced to go home with huge debts. Racist policies make the value of migrants’ labor go down and the local workers’ unemployment rate go up. The more migrant workers are oppressed, the less secure are the rights of local workers.

五一勞動節前夕,來自台灣各地的移工與本地工人一起站出來,不分國籍、種族,要 求勞動者的工作權應獲得平等保障,以避免資本家及政府對勞工的剝削及分化。
On the evening before International Labor Day (May 1), Taiwanese local workers and migrant workers from all around Taiwan will stand up together, without making any distinctions based on race or nationality. We demand that all workers’ rights get equal protection, and we will resist the attempts of the capitalists and the government to divide us and oppress us!

We affirm the contributions that migrant workers make to Taiwanese society, and we demand that migrant workers’ basic rights be guaranteed:

1、 取消聘僱年限Eliminate the employment time limit
2、 自由轉換雇主Freedom to transfer between employers.
3、 保障移工團結權 Migrant workers’ right to form unions.
4、 廢除私人仲介,強制國對國直接聘僱Abolish the broker system; implement country-to-country direct hiring.
5、 立法保障家務勞工Domestic workers should be protected by labor laws

台灣移工聯盟(Migrants Empowerment Network in Taiwan, MENT):
天主教關懷外勞小組(Migrant Workers’ Concern Desk, MWCD)
天主教嘉祿國際移民組織台灣分會(Scalabrini International Migration Network—Taiwan)
台灣國際勞工協會(Taiwan International Workers’ Association, TIWA)
天主教會新竹教區外籍牧靈中心—越南外勞配偶辦公室(Vietnamese Migrant Workers and Brides Office, VMWBO)
天主教希望職工中心(Hope Worker Center, HWC)
天主教會新竹教區移工及新移民服務中心(Hsinchu Catholic Diocese, Migrants and New Immigrants Service Center, HMISC)
天主教瑪莉諾會亞洲外籍牧靈中心(UGNAYAN – Migrant and Immigrant Mission)
天主教台灣中區外勞關懷中心(Center for Migrants’ Concerns, Central Taiwan)
海星國際服務中心(Stella Maris International Service Center)
台灣基督長老教會勞工關懷中心(The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Labour Concern Center)
新聞連絡人:台灣國際勞工協會TIWA陳秀蓮0939-503-121; 顧 玉玲0933-169-516
Media contact person: Taiwan International Workers’ Association (TIWA)

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