1.元太科技宣稱: ’對於裴宰炯的死亡,公司和工會的立場沒有太大的差別’
- 元太公司宣稱’已積極對家屬進行慰問與協助後事處理’
- 元太科技宣稱: “今年3月底300多名員工中已有八成接受優退條件完成離職,但有二成還在協調溝通中”
- 元太科技宣稱’希望抗爭員工能平心靜氣好好的坐下來談’
Statement of KMWU Hydis Local and the Bereaved Family
of HYDIS Labor Martyr BAE Jae Hyoung
Regarding statements made by E Ink and reported in UDN on 14 May 2015[1]
- E Ink’s claim that “there are no big differences between the positions of labor and management” regarding the death of BAE Jae Hyoung
▶ On May 13, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11 am, the family of the deceased and its negotiating team (representatives of the union to whom the family transferred their bargaining authority) sought out the company to convey the formal negotiating agenda of negotiations proposed for May 14 at 2 pm. However, the Hydis president left the company and even today, May 15, has yet to come back and show up for work. With the company refusing to come and meet, the late labor martry’s bereaved wife and family members together with the negotiating team waited and ended up sleeping on the floor of the Hydis president’s office – waiting now for 48 hours – for the Hydis president to show up. After the death of labor martyr BAE, the company has had no consultations with the union whatsoever, nor has the company conveyed any type of statement or position to us.
- Claims that the “company has actively conveyed condolences to the bereaved family and is supporting the deceased’s family”
▶ The company did not even visit the wake (where the body of the deceased lay in state) to meet the deceased’s family and is effectively refusing to meet the deceased’s family members who have come all the way to the company to meet him.
- Claims that the “company is negotiating with the remaining 20% of workers who have not applied for ‘hoped-for termination’ program”
▶ The company refuses dialogue by clinging to a position that “the plant closure and mass redundancy dismissals are not negotiable agenda items.”
- Claims that the “company hopes the workers will calm down and engage in dialogue”
▶ When the union met with the E Ink at Hsinchu on the Hydis workers’ first mission to Taiwan, the E Ink CFO himself declared to the union delegation at the meeting that, “E Ink board members do not have the authority to withdraw the factory closure and redundancy dismissals.” This is the reason why the workers seek a meeting with the entity that has the authority to make decisions regarding the plant closure and mass redundancy dismissals: Chairman HO Shou-Chuan of Yuen Foong Yu (mother company of E Ink). If the company is sincere about seeking solutions, YFY Chairman HO should open himself to engaging in dialogue.
Original Article:
勞團譴責永豐餘 發生數波拉扯衝突
2015-05-14 13:08:15 經濟日報 記者陳素玲╱即時報導
勞團在永豐餘招牌潑漆,抗議永豐餘惡性關廠,造成韓國Hydis工會幹部上吊自殺。 記者陳正興/攝影
元太:管道暢通 找永豐餘無助協商
[1] http://money.udn.com/money/story/5612/901875-%E5%8B%9E%E5%9C%98%E8%AD%B4%E8%B2%AC%E6%B0%B8%E8%B1%90%E9%A4%98-%E7%99%BC%E7%94%9F%E6%95%B8%E6%B3%A2%E6%8B%89%E6%89%AF%E8%A1%9D%E7%AA%81