文 / 香港基督徒學生運動SCMHK
昨(4/17)晚警方大舉在元朗搜捕三百名妓女,並隨即召開記者會。我們關注,被捕的妓女,是否得到良好待遇﹖是否能受到有尊嚴的對待? 我們是否著眼於警察的「功績」,而不再細想,妓女被捕的經歷為何?
The first of its kind in Hong Kong, Victoria Prison was built in 1841 and decommissioned in 2006. Here are a few snapshots inside the cells that used to hold the prison’s female inmates, many of whom were Chinese mainlanders incarcerated for engaging in sex work. These female prisoners took turns writing on the wall, and the graffiti that they have left behind un-wall their secrets to us – the secret of lives led with meaning, freedoms desired in captivity, hardships undertaken with tenacity, relationships maintained through grief and tenderness.