性別, 社運發電機

【新聞稿】讓生命不再逝去 為婚姻平權站出來 音樂會


12/10記者會 發言名單:

台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 資深研究員 呂欣潔

婦女新知基金會 法律部主任 秦季芳

台灣同志家庭權益促進會 曾嬿融理事

真光福音教會 Elisa牧師

台灣同志人權法案遊說聯盟 蘇珊

基本制作 巫緒樑

十二月月十日(週六)世界人權日,「生命不再逝去 為婚姻平權站出來」音樂會在凱達格蘭大道舉行。眾星齊力接唱相挺婚姻平權,並訴求同志「生命不再逝去」。數萬同志與支持友人,共同宣告支持同志平權是一場不分黨派、不分異同、跨越行業的行動--同志人權是屬於全世界、新時代的價值。

On December 10th (Sat), the Human Rights Day, “Cherish Every Life, Support Marriage Equality” Concert is to take place on the Ketagalan Boulevard, Taipei City, with celebrities expressing their support for marriage equality via music, and demanding that no more life should be lost in the LGBT community. Tens of thousands LGBT individuals, their family members and friends would join together to announce that supporting marriage equality is an action that unites people of different political parties, sexual orientations and occupations. LGBT rights are the values of this new world and new era.


Representatives from different kinds of families are invited, including parents who are proud of their LGBT children, Wang Tien-Ming and He Hsiang (lead characters in the famous commercial of “Isabelle,” a well-known brand for bridal cakes), long-term same-sex couples like writer Chen Xue and her partner, same-sex couples who raise children together, and heterosexual families that support LGBT rights. All these families have their own unique story, but they all share the same belief: to step up for equal rights, to fight for the right for everyone to enjoy a happy, fulling life.



Support equal rights, support LGBT

In addition to celebrities, representatives from various fields would also be present, showing their support for marriage equality, including Google, HP, CEO of Pegatron Corporation T.H. Tung from the IT industry, DPP legislators Duan Yi-Kuan, Yu Mei-Nu, Chen Man-li, and Lin Jing-Yi, DPP deputy director Hsu Chia-Ching, New Power Party legislators Huang Kuo-Chang, Freddy Lim, Hung Tzu-Yung, Kawlo Iyun Pacidal and Hsu Yung-Ming. While KMT legislators Jason Hsu, Ko Chih-En,  Hsu Shu-Hua and  Chiang Wan-an are not able to be there in person, they made a short film confirming their support for marriage equality.


Since November, a petition for marriage equality has been gathering signatures in more than 50 professional fields (please see the appendix for the detailed list), including judiciaries, lawyers, notaries, police offers, social workers, teachers, consulting psychiatrists, clinical psychiatrists, psychologists, vocational therapists, public health and HIV/AIDS workers, medical workers, veterinarians, media workers, writers, artists, graphic designers, spaceworkers, together with the fields of history, literature, culture, information, religion, and academics. In addition, university and high school students, as well as the indigenous community and Taiwanese living abroad are also not absent. Individuals from each and every corner of the society has stepped out and voiced our support for the amendment to the Civil Code, which would legalize same-sex marriage in Taiwan.

民間團體部分,包括台灣性別平等教育協會、女書店、台中同志遊行聯盟、愛滋感染者權益促進會、台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟、台灣人權促進會、人權公約施行監督聯盟、台灣同志遊行聯盟、台灣國際女性影展、台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟、南洋台灣姊妹會、民間司法改革基金會、OURs 專業者都市改革組織、綠色公民行動聯盟、人本教育文教基金會、親子共學教育促進會等長期推動人權與性別平等的公民團體,也都齊聚凱道擺設攤位,除了用行動來支持婚姻平權,也讓來參與的公民認識、理解更多在臺灣這塊土地上發生的社會議題,彰顯世界人權日的多元內涵。

Non-profit organizations that have been devoted to the promotion of human rights and gender equality in Taiwan would set up their individual stands on the Ketagalan Boulevard, including Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association, Fembooks, Taichung LGBT Pride Community, Persons with HIV/AIDS Rights Advocacy Association in Taiwan, Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Covenants Watch, Taiwan LGBT Pride Community, Women Make Wave Taiwan, Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, TransAsia Sisters Association, Judicial Reform Foundation, The Organization of Urban Re-s, Green Citizens’ Action Alliance, Humanistic Education Foundation and The Association of Parents Participating Education in Taiwan. In addition to expressing their support for marriage equality with their action, they would also help the general public to learn more about issues occurring in Taiwan, echoing the diverse meanings of Human Rights Day.



No amendment to the Civil Code, no end to discrimination

Since the three versions of marriage equality bill were introduced in October, aruguments made by opponents of the bill have continued to shed light on the discrimination against, exclusion and oppression of the LBGT community. Some even expressed their opposition to gender equity education, which makes us sincerely worried about the situation of young LGBT students in school. We urge legislators and civil groups considering to propose an alternative bill to recongize that, discussions about the bill should be based on the belief of providing the LGBT community with euqal legal protection, and of eliminating the exclusion of as well as discrimination against the community. In order to achieve this goal, we believe that making an amendment to the existing Civil Code is the best, and the least costly way. A civil union act applicable only to same-sex partners that provides less protection than the Civil Code is to neglect the fact that such act would enhance and reproduce the longt-term discrimination suffered by the LGBT community.



See you on 1226: Protect the bill with love, eliminate discrimination with love

The final activity of the day is to project the names of all individuals who passed away due to gender discrimination, as well as their birth and death year, onto the Presidential Office Building. It is the end of our tears and sadness. For our next step, we urge every indivdual who cares about LGBT rights and believes in equality and freedom to return to the Legislative Yuan on December 26th. This time, we would protect with love the bill that will bring equality, and replace discrimination with love. Let us fight for the next generation and create a fair, just world with no discrimination. See you on December 26th!

主辦單位:台灣同志諮詢熱線協會、台灣同志家庭權益促進會、婦女新知基金會、同志人權法案遊說聯盟、Queermosa Awards 酷摩沙獎、同光同志長老教會、真光福音教會、基本制作。

Hosted by: Taiwan Tonzhi Hotline Association, Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy Association, Awakening Foundation, The Lobby Alliance for LGBT Human Rights, Queermosa Awards, Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church, True Light Gospel Church, GB Studio

201611  各界連署支持同性婚姻合法化 連署人數

各界連署社群 連署人數
司法官 264
律師 1000
法律體系從業人員及學生 1225
警察 237
基層教師 1385
教育工作者及相關科系學生 2623
社會工作者及學生 1900
心理工作者 1295 (8個公會)
心理相關科系學生 2108
臨床心理師 621
精神科醫師 270
醫療人員及醫療相關科系學生 3700
職能治療工作者及學生 600
動物醫療從業者與在學學生 700
圖文插畫暨影像平面設計工作者 1532
空間專業相關工作者及學界 850
藝術工作者 1865
臺灣作家 861
文學與語言學界 1645
歷史學界 405
資訊界 321
原住民族 194
宗教界 4044
高雄人 3457
學術工作者 1849
中山大學 1406
東吳大學 1850
青椒炒性別 2019
力挺同性婚姻學生連署/同學陣 13040


過去幾年(2011起) 各界連署支持同性婚姻合法化  連署人數

連署社群 主要訴求 連署人數 (連署期間)
律師 台灣社會長期排除所有同性、異性非婚伴侶在法律上共組家庭、享有相關權益的現況應該被改變。選擇同居的伴侶,與婚姻中的配偶一樣有著彼此共同生活的事實與意願,卻無從享有與婚姻配偶同等的各種社會保障,淪為次等公民。 232位律師




從科學(同性戀並非疾病)、人權(性傾向乃是自我認同、人性尊嚴之核心)、教育(性別平等教育)、宗教(信仰應是安定力量,而非國家法準則),聲明支持修改民法的同性婚姻合法化草案。 約2250人




主張「拒絕不義是公民的義務,人權應是立法的至上方針」,反對抹黑式的討論以及守舊的人權觀念,認為婚姻平權法案是人權守護的一部分,也是真正促進下一代幸福的方向。 約13000人


身為教師,對反同婚陣營的抹黑文宣以及遊行時限制他人人身自由的「反教育」行為表示反對, 支持婚姻平權,並呼籲在中小學等各級教育落實多元性別教育。 約1380人




從平等的角度出發,支持立法保障同性婚姻,並主張除異性戀婚姻所組成之家庭以外,現行社會中尚有許多單身、單親、隔代教養、三代,以及目前無法於統計中看見的同志或是同居等多元家庭,法律應看見此等家庭之存在,以及給予相應之保障。 共有16個大專院校加入連署活動,10日內募得約2000多名法律人連署支持


同性婚姻合法化涉及憲法的人性尊嚴與平等保障,而婚姻法也持續在歷經變革,支持婚姻不應排除同性伴侶,並呼籲各界以正確資訊、理性態度進行討論,停止製造恐慌的錯誤資訊傳遞。 由30幾位法學教授發起,約有200多位法學者、實務工作者響應連署。


從實務上分析對於同志的排除跟歧視對同志的家庭與親密關係有不利的影響,並主張所有性別及性傾向都應享有婚姻的權利,政府應積極維護同志人權,而心理專業人員也應在研究教學或實務工作上擔負推動平權的社會責任。 共 1866人連署,包含: 諮商心理師 225人 臨床心理師 71人輔導教師 182人 心理相關研究者 66人 其他相關工作 388人 心理相關系所學生 934人




堅信文化的力量在於廣納百川的包容力,更堅信每個人都是生而平等的,支持婚姻平權、譴責不義的反對活動,並重申文化工作追求更自由、平等的創作土壤。 約1800多位連署


精神科醫師 精神醫療致力於促進個體心理健康及社會整體幸福,主張「多元成家」與「婚姻平權」保障多元性別與家庭發展,對於社會有正面效應,工作者自身與社會均應積極促進對於他人的理解,避免汙名與歧視。 由112位醫師發起,約有200多位精神科專業醫師連署。




社會工作者的基本信念,是不歧視、無偏見,尊重每一個人的尊嚴、價值與選擇,因此支持婚姻平權,呼籲社會工作者共同爭取公義的社會。 約500多位連署。




支持婚姻平權,並反對東海校方在未經由全校師生以審慎思辯的內部討論下,逕自以學校名義參與「台灣基督宗教大學校院聯盟」(TaiCUCA),主張學校應回歸大學自主精神,退出該聯盟。 近600位連署。
醫療工作者及學生 平等對待病患是醫療工作者的社會責任,在科學已經釐清同性戀並非一種疾病之後,醫療工作者更應該要平等看到每一個患者,支持婚姻平權讓同志伴侶可以有彼此的醫療決定權,在生病的時候彼此為伴。 約300多位連署。
醫學、公衛人 以增進人類健康福祉為標的,國家的健康治理政策應包納而非排除少數群體的權益,以消弭道德共同體中的健康不平等。因此主張尊重同性伴侶進入婚姻制度,並保障包括單親、隔代教養、繼親、同居、單身等家庭的實質權利。  
政治人(台灣各大專院校政治科學學系 博士班、碩士班、學士班、在職專班、系友 ) 以遵守憲法平等權為前提,應該落實政治哲學的公平與正義之概念,尊重同性伴侶進入婚姻制度,並保障包括單親、隔代教養、繼親、同居、單身等家庭的實質權利。  
















