環境, 社運發電機

【新聞稿】美國核能管制會NRC前主委 對台灣核電公投發表聲明 澄清台灣非科學的流言


今天對台灣核電公投發表聲明 澄清台灣非科學的流言

對台灣核電公投、美國國家最高核能管制機構Nuclear Regulatory Commission前委員長亞茲寇博士Gregory Jaczko今天發表聲明,說明世界最新的核電公認事實,澄清台灣非科學的流言。


目前台灣擁核和反核有各自的說詞,國民不知何去何從。比方,核電真的是世界的趨勢真是環保?核電真是最便宜?在國際世界的科學事實是?科學事實不是各自表述,事實只有一個 。

NRC(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)是美國的國家最高核能管制機構,委員長是總統直接指派的部長級。亞茲寇博士(Gregory Jaczko)是歐巴馬總統直接指派的委員長。他今天對台灣核電的公投,說明世界的核電的事實作以下的聲明。

美國NRC前主委 亞茲寇博士 針對台灣核電未來的聲明:




Dr. Gregory B. Jaczko

Statement of Gregory Jaczko on Future of Nuclear Power in Taiwan.

“History has shown that nuclear power is an unreliable and expensive technology. In the United State nuclear reactors are shutting down, because they cannot compete economically with renewable energy and cleaner burning natural gas. New reactors currently under construction cost $10 billion more than promised. This money would be better spent advancing newer, more reliable approaches to emissions free energy.

Today with the important pressing need to deal with climate change, some countries are reconsidering nuclear power to address climate change. Nuclear reactors are a bad bet for a climate strategy. They were the cornerstone of Japan’s strategy to cut carbon emissions. After the Fukushima accident, lack of alternatives, Japan had to replace much of their reactor output with polluting fossil fuels.

Globally energy from wind, solar and water is becoming the cheapest sustainable, clean energy source. These technologies will only become cheaper as more and more countries adopt them as a primary source of energy. Investments in these areas and grid modernization provide the real solution for the world’s insatiable need for power and the planet’s need to eliminate carbon emissions. ”

──Dr. Gregory B. Jaczko

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