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2024-03-24 @ 3:00 下午 - 5:00 下午
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文/可以自由巴 For Peace Taiwan、破土 New Bloom
〔時間〕:2024 年 3 月 24 日 下午 15:00 – 17:00
〔地點〕:中正紀念堂牌樓前廣場(100 台北市中正區中山南路 21 號)
Time: 2024/03/24 15:00 – 17:00
Location: Liberty Square (No. 21, Zhongshan S Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100)
Press Release | I Refuse to be Complicit in Genocide: Protest for Palestinian Freedom
距離以色列在去年十月七日起以無差別攻擊、地毯式轟炸等方式對加薩的巴勒斯坦人民進行無度濫殺,已迄五個月。以色列在加薩進行的種族滅絕已造成 70,000 人受傷、30,000 人身亡。死難者中,超過 13,000 人是兒童、8,800 人是女性。
在三月 24 日,可以自由巴將在自由廣場組織一場以「我拒絕成為共犯」為題的抗議行動,表達台灣公民社會對加薩種族滅絕的譴責、對巴勒斯坦自決的支持、以及對台灣以任何形式參與這一場暴行的完全反對。
我們將在集會上邀請各方進行發言短講,並以「假死抗議」(die-in protest) 以及「為巴勒斯坦畫眼淚」(靈感來自 @apu_to_palestine 和@palestinejapan),一同宣稱:「我拒絕成為種族滅絕的共犯!」。
Five months had passed since the onset of indiscriminate attacks on the people of Gaza. The Israeli military deployed tactics such as carpet bombing, resulting in excessive and indiscriminate killings. The genocide carried out by Israel in Gaza has resulted in 70,000 injuries and 30,000 fatalities. Among the casualties, over 13,000 are children and 8,800 are women.
Taiwan, a country that claims to be democratic, and its people who identify as allies of democracies, cannot and should not remain indifferent. Taiwan’s military-industrial complex has long supplied crucial components including specialized steel, microwave components, aircraft landing gear, actuators, engine components to the US military contractors who indirectly aided the genocide, and directly to the Israeli army.
Boycotting and sanctioning these enterprises in Taiwan is a democratic obligation and a responsibility of Taiwan as a member of the global community. Taiwan’s diplomatic missions’ support for Israel, as well as the establishment of the “Taiwan-Israel Parliamentary Alliance” by the elected parliament under lobbying, are primary targets that all who oppose war crimes and support self-determination, must collectively resist.
On March 24th, For Peace Taiwan will organize a protest action titled “I Refuse to be Complicit in Genocide” at Liberty Square, expressing condemnation from Taiwan’s civil society towards the genocide in Gaza, support for Palestinian self-determination, and complete opposition to all forms of Taiwanese involvement in these atrocities.
During the gathering, we will invite speakers to deliver short speeches, and we will also conduct a “die-in protest” and “Drawing Tears for Palestine” (inspired by @apu_to_palestine and @palestinejapan), proclaiming together: “I refuse to be complicit in genocide!”
We cordially invite members of press to attend our event
Schedule and speaker list
時間 Time
15:30 – 15:40 開場 Opening remarks
15:40 – 16:00 各界代表按照主持安排發言:
– Hazem(加薩-巴勒斯坦人)
– 施逸翔(台灣人權促進會資深研究員)
Speeches by representatives of different
– Hazem (Gaza – Palestinian)
– Shih Yi-hsiang (Senior Researcher of Taiwan Association for Human Rights)
16:00 – 16:10 假死抗議行動 Die-in protest
16:10 – 16:40 各界代表按照主持安排發言:
– 林文亮(人權工作者)
– 戴芯榆(國際特赦組織台灣分會難民與移工政策專員)
– Julia(Migrante Taiwan 發言人)
Speeches by representatives of different
– Lin Wen-liang (Human rights worker)
– Dai Hsin-yu (Amnesty International Taiwan,Refugee and Migrant Workers Policy Specialist)
– Julia (Spokesperson of Migrante Taiwans)
16:40 – 17:00 開放麥克風環節 Open mic
17:00 活動結束 End of event
主辦單位 Organisers:
可以自由巴 For Peace Taiwan、破土 New Bloom