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2020-10-01 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午
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時間/Date/Time:October 1st, 2020, 14:00 pm
地點/Venue:金門古寧頭北山播音牆(金門金寧鄉北山斷崖)Beishan Broadcast Wall, Kinmen
主辦單位/ Organizers:
西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan, HRNTT
台灣國會西藏連線 Taiwan Parliament Group for Tibet
台北市議會西藏連線 Taipei City Council’s Tibet Caucus
台灣自由圖博學聯 Students for a Free Tibet, Taiwan
人權公約施行監督聯盟 Covenants Watch
台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association for Human Rights
台灣香港邊城青年 Taiwan Hong Kong Outlanders
台灣勞工陣線 Taiwan Labour Front
台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟 Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty
永社 Taiwan Forever Association
臺灣東突厥斯坦協會 Taiwan East Turkestan Association
國際西藏網絡 International Tibet Network
說明/ Description:
The dictating Chinese Communist regime has been violating human rights and freedoms in its territory and the regions under its control. It has been threatening Taiwan’s safety and suppressing its international space. China exports authoritarianism to other countries and bullys the countries that don’t follow its order.
October 1st is the National Day of China, around the world, Tibetans, Uyghurs, Southern Mongolians, Hong Kongers, Chinese and Taiwanese standing for human rights will have joint actions on the day. There are China’s consulates and embassies everywhere, people will protest in front of the Chinese embassies. Since China doesn’t have such institutes in Taiwan, we’re going to Kinmen, the nearest place to China in Taiwan, holding an activity along with NGOs in Taiwan, working on Human Rights, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, all of us, we will go to the place we never hold an activity before, protest against CCP.
林欣怡(西藏台灣人權連線理事)LIN Hsinyi, Board Member, Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan, HRNTT
札西慈仁(西藏台灣人權連線理事長)Tashi Tsering, Chairperson, HRNTT
吳佳臻(台灣人權促進會執委)WU Jiazhen, Executive committee members, Taiwan Association for Human Rights
李芃萱(臺灣自由圖博學聯常務理事)Penghsuan LEE, Board member, Students for a Free Tibet – Taiwan
*記者會全程會在「西藏台灣人權連線Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan」直播。
*The press conference will be broadcast live on the “Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan” FB Page.
*立法委員及台灣國會西藏連線理事長林昶佐、台灣香港邊城青年秘書長Justine 、台灣中國民主促進會主席及世界維吾爾運動榮譽主席吾爾開希、立法委員台灣國會西藏連線副理事長洪申翰、台北市議員及台北市議會西藏連線理事長林穎孟,無法到活動現場,他們也利用影片傳達訊息 (中英文字幕)
*Freddy LIM, Taiwanese Legislator and the Chair of Taiwan Parliament Group for Tibet; Justine, the Secretary General of Taiwan Hong Kong Outlanders; Wuer Kaixi, the President of Taiwan Association for Democracy in China and Honorary President of Campaign for Uyghur; HUNG Sun-han, Taiwanese Legislator and the Vice Chair of Taiwan Parliament Group for Tibet; LIN Ying-meng, Taipei City Councilor and the Chair of Taipei City Council’s Tibet Caucus, they are unable to attend the press conference, they used the video to get their message across. https://youtu.be/fne-UXdFxEo (English and Chinese Subtitle)