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2023-09-21 @ 11:00 上午 - 11:30 上午



三創生活園區外廣場(台北市中正區市民大道三段2號 (廣場位置: 近八德路一段43巷入口處)

華碩電腦關係企業工會暨亞旭電腦企業工會理事長洛秋(Rochel Garais)及全體理監事
台灣勞工陣線秘書長 孫友聯
台灣國際勞工協會 許惟棟
新事社會服務中心督導 李正新





1. 完全違背公平聘僱及RBA的規定,至今均未退還移工海外仲介費的債務(每人平均近七萬台幣)和台灣的仲介服務費(前三年共六萬台幣)等相關費用。

2. 傳言桃園廠準備遷廠至越南,五月以來卻鼓勵移工自行轉換,規避資遣費與大量解僱勞保護法的規範。

3. 桃園廠三月要求移工遷宿舍,要求每人每月電費多繳2000元以上,宿舍費也每月多扣1000元。

4. 其他多項違法或歧視待遇。

Asus Group accused of exploiting Migrant Workers;

Union request the company to talk with sincerity!

Askey Computer is a subsidiary and owned by Asus Computer 100%, and accusations of Askey’s violation of labor rights of migrant workers and sweatshop brands have gradually attracted widespread attention. Regrettably, Asus, which really has the right to make decisions, has not come forward to negotiate with the union at all. Human Resource department from Asus and Askey made a phone call to us respectively for a short inquiry, but no further information after that. We believe all of Askey’s operations and employee treatment measures are actually authorized by ASUS, but ASUS is still hiding its role as a powerful black hand behind.

Asus Group Labor Union (AGLU) and Askey Labor Union (ALU) hereby declare: We will not allow Asus to dodge. The union’s subsequent actions will mainly be directed towards Asus. The union also calls on Asus to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities and cherish its brand image, and come forward to negotiate with the union for all disputes as soon as possible.

All officers from AGLU and ALU will attend the press conference in person to announce to the public many of the company’s major issues and require ASUS to show sincerity and negotiate with the unions.

The major issues include:

  1. Askey violates the fair employment guideline and and RBA regulations completely: all the loans from the placement fees abroad for all migrant workers (averagely of nearly NT$70,000 or US$ 2185 per person) and the monthly service fees in Taiwan (a total of NT$60,000 or US$1873 in the first three years) and other related expenses are never refunded until now.
  2. There are rumors that the Askey will close its Taoyuan factory and move to Vietnam. At the same time, Askey has been encouraging its migrant workers to apply to transfer to other companies by their own since May this year. This is a rampant violation and evasion of the legal responsibilities of severance pay and the Act for Worker Protection of Mass Redundancy.
  3. Migrant workers in Askey Taoyuan factory were demanded to move to a different dormitory, and the electricity bill was more than NT$2,000 (US$62) per person per month, and the dormitory fees were higher for NT$1,000 per month.
  4. Various kinds of other violations and discriminatory treatments.

Welcome to come to interview and report.

Time: September 21, 2023, at 11:00 AM

Outdoor Plaza, Syntrend Creative Park (No. 2, Section 3, Civic Boulevard, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)

(Plaza location: Near the entrance of Lane 43, Section 1, Bade Road)


– Rochel Abris Garais, President of Askey Labor Union and Asus Group Labor Union and all the other union officers

– Yuliam Sun, General Secretary, Taiwan Labor Front

– Wei-Dong Hsu, Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA)

– Jason Lee, Supervisor. Rerum Novarum Center

– Domestic Caretakers’ Union (DCU)

– Hiu-Fan Liu, President, Vanguard International Semiconductor Union

– Hui-Fang Huang, President, Nanya Technology Union

– Yong-Lin Hsu, Representative from Nanya PCBoard Union

– Jin-Rang Gu, President, CMC Union

– Lennon Ying-Dah Wong, General Secretary, Asus Group Labor Union (AGLU) and Askey Labor Unino (ALU)

(The list is still being updated)


11:00 上午 - 11:30 上午