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【採訪通知】起來!團結!抵抗! One Billion Rising億起舞動,終結性暴力
2017-02-12 @ 1:00 下午 - 5:00 下午
2012年,女權鬥士Eve Ensler發起了十億人起義(One Billion Rising; OBR)運動,以舞蹈號召,讓受害者舞動身體,不再因厭惡身體而懲罰自己,並重拾對生命的熱情。至今,OBR運動已有超過兩百多個國家加入。
移工國際(Migrante International)台灣分會、印尼工人團結聯盟( Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, ATKI)、桃園群眾服務協會
1.2017年02月12日 下午一點
2.2017年02月12日 下午三點
Taiwan Migrants Dance/Rise For Solidarity Against Exploitation of Women
This dance mob/mass action led by Migrante Taiwan in cooperation with Serve the People Association (SPA) and Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Taiwan (ATKI-Taiwan) is part of our active participation in the global dance campaign called One Billion Rising for Revolution. (OBR).
Violence committed against women includes various forms of abuses that women migrant workers experience in Taiwan. Take the case of many caregivers here who are vulnerable to sexual and physical abuse, exploitation, long working hours with meager salaries, underpayment, and continually being 24 hours on call.
We also raise the alarm on the continued exploitation committed by brokers and agencies on migrant workers here in Taiwan and everywhere. We have documented cases of overcharging, harassment and all forms of problems that stem out from this system that only exploits and profits from the migrant workers.
Women migrant workers everywhere deserve better – we are more than just objects or robots. We have rights, concerns and our very own dignity that need to be upheld, protected and ensured. And we will continue to rise, unite, and collectively struggle until all of these are achieved.
Event Information:
1.Febuary12, 2017 13:00 p.m. at Chungsan in front of Won-Won
2.Febuary12, 2017 15:00 p.m. at Taipei Train Station square