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30 9 月 @ 7:30 下午 - 9:00 下午


期間:2024/9/28 – 2024/10/6

週六及週日:12:00 – 19:00|
週一至週五:14:00 – 19:00


該計畫起源於2021年6月,是由東京高円寺幾個店家的負責人所發起的倡議行動,其發起者包括:「素人之亂」的松本哉、Uptown Records的Sacco,以及SUBstore的安迪卡·法伊薩爾。在檢查、裝框,並且研究這些海報的歷史意義後,「造訪巴勒斯坦」海報展終於在2022年5月展開,至今已在日本許多城市、超過20個地點巡迴展出。


*活動現場將販售《造訪巴勒斯坦海報展 Vol.4 台灣篇》手冊,所得扣除成本後,其餘所得將捐贈巴勒斯坦以及支持本計畫持續運作。

Visit Palestine Project
TryNice台北 NOLIMIT 2024
Visit Palestine Poster Exhibition Vol.4 in Taiwan
Duration: 2024.9.28 – 2024.10.6
Location: Open Contemporary Art Center
Address: No. 25, Ganzhou Street, Datong District, Taipei City
Opening Hours: 12:00 to 19:00 (Sat & Sun); 14:00 to 19:00 (Mon to Fri)
*Opening Event at 19:30, September 30th (Monday)

“Visit Palestine Poster Exhibition Vol.4 in Taiwan” is a project that organizes, preserves, and showcases original posters from the Palestine solidarity movement. These posters depict decades of struggle of the Palestinian people in pursuit of survival and the right to resist forceful displacement. Some of these posters date back as far as the 1970s.
The project originated in June 2021, initiated by the owners of several shops in Koenji, Tokyo, including Hajime Matsumoto from “Amateur Riot,” Sacco from Uptown Records, and Andika Faisal from SUBstore. After inspecting, framing, and researching the historical significance of these posters, the “Visit Palestine Poster Exhibition” finally launched in May 2022. Since then, it has toured in more than 20 locations across various cities in Japan.
All the posters on display in this exhibition were created and preserved by individuals dedicated to conveying the brutal history that has affected the Palestinian people over the past 7 decades. The exhibition aims to raise people’s awareness of the ongoing Zionist government’s occupation and the various injustices committed against Palestine, as well as the complicit countries that support these atrocities. We hope these posters will inspire more people to pay attention to the current plight of the Palestinian people.
*At the event, the “Visit Palestine Poster Exhibition Vol.4 in Taiwan” booklet will be available for sale. After deducting costs, all proceeds will be donated to Palestine and to support the ongoing work of this project.
Co-organized by:
Visit Palestine Project
Taiwan Rave & Punk Solidarity Front For Palestine
Suck Glue Boys
TryNice Taipei NOLIMIT 2024


30 9 月
7:30 下午 - 9:00 下午